Wednesday, November 23rd, 2016 Catalytic Governance: Leading Change in the Information Age

Wednesday, November 23, 20164:00PM - 5:00PMBoardroom and Library, 315 Bloor Street West


How did Brexit happen? What made young Americans feel the Bern? Why is Trump’s message resonating with so many?

Each of these seemingly unrelated phenomena were driven in part by groups who felt excluded from traditional governance structures.

In the information age citizens, customers and other stakeholders have access to more information (and misinformation) than ever before. This explosion of information and perspectives creates an expectation amongst many that they should have a voice in solving the complex problems of the day. This expectation of inclusion and participation is reinforced by the ease with which the like-minded can leverage social media to self-organize and by the proliferation of groups and organizations demanding a voice in governance.

How can political and corporate leaders leverage this new reality to the benefit of citizens, companies and communities?

Catalytic Governance offers a proven process to managing this challenge. Built on the insight that effective leadership and governance depends less on traditional top-down approaches and more on creating shared meanings and frameworks.

In their book Catalytic Governance: Leading Change in the Information Age, Patricia Meredith, Steven A. Rosell and Ged R. Davis map out a dialogue-based alternative to the old style of consultation.

Drawing on their experiences managing transformational change in a complex, multi-stakeholder environment on issues ranging from finance to climate change, health, and the digital revolution, Meredith, Rosell, and Davis demonstrate how to use dialogue to engage stakeholders, explore alternative perspectives, develop shared mental maps and a vision of the future, and co-create strategies and initiatives to realize that future.

The catalytic governance process is a powerful tool for leaders in the public and private sectors looking to lead and govern more effectively.


Patricia Meredith
Author, Catalytic Governance: Leading Change in the Information Age

Steven Rosell
Co-Author & President and Co-founder Viewpoint Learning

Ged R. Davis
Co-Author & Executive Chair, Scenarios at the World Energy Council and President of Forescene S.A.

Stephen J. Toope
Director, Munk School of Global Affairs

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