
The Governance and Legitimacy of Carbon Markets

 – Overview – 

This SSHRC-funded project is headed up by Matthew Paterson at the University of Ottawa. Steven Bernstein and Matt Hoffmann are co-investigators. The project seeks to understand how the idea of carbon markets emerged and came to dominate the global response to climate change. We are exploring the network of individuals that participated in the early carbon markets and how they shaped the diffusion of this idea more broadly. We are also undertaking a comparative analysis of carbon markets in Canada, the US, and Australia to understand how carbon markets developed in different political settings. This project has produced three significant journal articles, a number of conference papers, and has multiple publications in the pipeline.

Matthew Paterson, Matthew Hoffmann, Michele Betsill, Steven Bernstein (Forthcoming 2014), “The Micro foundations of Policy Diffusion towards Complex Global Governance: An Analysis of the Transnational Carbon Emission Trading Network,” Comparative Political Studies.

Michele Betsill and Matthew Hoffmann (2011), “The Contours of Cap and Trade: The Evolution of Emissions Trading Systems for Greenhouse Gases” Review of Policy Research 27 (1): 81-103.

Steven Bernstein, Michele Betsill, Matthew Hoffmann, Matthew Paterson (2010), “A Tale of Two Copenhagens: Carbon Markets and Climate Governance” Millenium: Journal of International Studies 39 (1): 161-173.