Hamish Portrait

Hamish van der Ven

Assistant Professor McGill University, MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies, Yale University

I am an Assistant Professor in the School of Environment and the Department of Political Science at McGill University. I am also affiliated with the Governance, Environment, and Markets Initiative at Yale University, the Environmental Governance Lab at the University of Toronto, and the Earth System Governance Project.

My interests include global environmental politics, transnational governance, international political economy, and corporate social responsibility. My research seeks to explain why private actors get involved in global environmental governance, how their efforts interact with those of states, and under what conditions they will create credible regulatory solutions to environmental problems.

My work has been published in Global Environmental PoliticsGlobal Environmental ChangeReview of International StudiesRegulation & Governance, and Business and Politics. My first book – Beyond Greenwash? Explaining Credibility in Transnational Eco-Labeling – is forthcoming with Oxford University Press.

Prior to pursuing a Ph.D., I held positions with the Government of British Columbia, BC Hydro, and Canadian Business for Social Responsibility.