
Todd Sanders

Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Toronto

Todd Sanders is an Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of Toronto. He teaches courses on anthropological theory and methods, science, expertise and the environment at the Mississauga and St. George campuses. His current research is concerned with the production and politics of knowledge, and focuses on Euro-American knowledge practices and knowledge-making institutions surrounding energy and the environment. He is collaborating with Elizabeth F. Hall on two research projects that pertain to environmental governance: one on global environmental change sciences – including the human sciences – and the contexts in which they operate; the other, a five-year SSHRC-funded project, on the science and policy of fracking in England. A recent project article (in JRAI, below) won second prize from the British Sociological Association for the best sociological article on climate change published in 2015.

Recently from Todd Sanders

Sanders, T. and E.F. Hall 2016. ‘Interdiscipinarity, climate change, and the native’s point of view.’ Items: Insights from the Social Sciences. Social Science Research Council journal. Special theme on ‘Interdisciplinarity Now.’

Sanders, T. 2016. The pendulum swings. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 6(1), 493-498.

Hall, E. F. and T. Sanders 2016. ‘Fracking Big Ben: science, policy and fractivism in the UK.’ Practicing Anthropology 38(3). Special issue on Activism, Agency and Engagement with Extraction.

Hall, E. F. and T. Sanders 2015. ‘Accountability and the academy: producing knowledge about the human dimensions of climate change.’ Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 21(2), 438-461.

Sanders, T. and E.F. Hall 2015. ‘Is there hope for an Anthropocene Anthropology? Anthropologies: A Collaborative Online Project, 21. Special issue on Anthropology and Climate Change. Hosted by Savage Minds: Notes and Queries in Anthropology.

Moore, H.L. & Sanders, T. (eds) 2014. Anthropology in Theory: Issues in Epistemology. 2nd Ed. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Sanders, T. 2014. ‘The making and unmaking of rains and reigns.’ In Michael Dove (ed.) The Anthropology of Climate Change: An Historical Reader, pp. 276-297. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Sanders, T. 2014. Comments on ‘Climate change and accusation: global warming and local blame in a small Island state.’ Current Anthropology 55(4), 381-82.

Hall, E. F. and Sanders, T. 2013. ‘The trouble with deficits.’ Climatic Change 118(3-4), 501-04.