
Heather Millar

Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton

Heather is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of New Brunswick, Fredericton. Prior to her appointment she was a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Postdoctoral Fellow with the Institute of Science, Society, and Policy at the University of Ottawa (2019-20) and a Postdoctoral Fellow with the Environmental Governance Lab at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy (2018-2019). Heather has a doctorate in Political Science  from the University of Toronto (2019) and a Masters in Public Policy from Simon Fraser University (2010).

Heather’s research focuses on Canadian provincial energy and climate politics; risk perception, policy learning, feedback and change; and social acceptance of new technologies.

Heather has published articles in Public Policy and Administration, the  Canadian Journal of Political Science, Canadian Public Administration, and Policy Sciences. Previously, she held leadership positions in the Canadian non-profit sector and has experience in a variety of policy areas including housing, poverty reduction, food security, and international development.