Ben Cashore headshot

Ben Cashore

Professor of Environmental Governance and Political Science, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University

Benjamin Cashore is Professor of Environmental Governance & Political Science at Yale University’s School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. He is Director of the Governance, Environment and Markets (GEM) Initiative at Yale and is the Joseph C. Fox Faculty Director of the Yale International Fox Fellows Program. He is courtesy joint appointed in Yale’s Department of Political Science. Cashore also directs the International Union of Forest Research Organization’s (IUFRO) task force on International Forest Governance. Cashore’s major research interests include the emergence of non-state governance innovations, their intersection with traditional governmental processes, and the role of firms, non-state actors, civil society and governments in shaping these trends. His ongoing research efforts are focused on understanding how the interaction of multiple -levels of governance, public and private, might evolve to produce durable global environmental governance solutions. He pursues this approach through thematic efforts: forest policy and governance; certification /corporate social responsibility/non-state governance; policy change and policy learning; climate change as a “super wicked” problem; and the influence of globalization and internationalization on domestic policy processes.


Cashore was awarded the 2014 the International Union of Forest Research Organization’s “Scientific achievement award” for his contribution to forest governance and policy scholarship. In 2013 he was awarded “best lecturer” award by the graduate student body, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. His book, Governing Through Markets: Forest Certification and the Emergence of Non-state Authority (with Graeme Auld and Deanna Newsom), published by Yale University Press, was awarded the International Studies Association’s 2005 Sprout prize for the best book on international environmental policy and politics. He was awarded (with Steven Bernstein) the 2001 John McMenemy Prize for the best article to appear in the Canadian Journal of Political Science in the year 2000 for their article “Globalization, Four Paths of Internationalization and Domestic Policy Change: The Case of Eco-forestry Policy Change in British Columbia, Canada.”