Michele Betsill headshot

Michele Betsill

Professor of Political Science, Colorado State University

Michele Betsill is a Professor of Political Science at Colorado State University where she teaches courses in international relations and global environmental politics and is founder and co-leader of the Environmental Governance Working Group. Her research investigates the multiple ways in which global environmental issues are governed from the global to the local level across the public and private spheres, with particular interest in questions of politics and authority. Current projects explore transnational environmental governance (with a focus on the issues of climate change and natural resource extraction) and the politics and governance of low-carbon transitions. Her books include Transnational Climate Change Governance (co-author with other members of the Leverhulme Network on Transnational Climate Governance; Cambridge University Press, 2014), Advances in International Environmental Politics (co-editor with Kathryn Hochstetler and Dimitris Stevis, Palgrave, 2014), NGO Diplomacy: The influence of non-governmental organizations in international environmental negotiations (co-editor with Elisabeth Corell, MIT Press, 2008), and Cities and Climate Change: Urban Sustainability and Global Environmental Governance (with Harriet Bulkeley, Routledge, 2003). She is an editor of Global Environmental Change and serves on the scientific steering committee for the Earth System Governance project.