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David Miller in conversation: Solved: How the World's Great Cities are Fixing the Climate Crisis

Wednesday, November 25, 2020 — 12:30PM - 1:30PM Online

In his recently published book, Solved: How the World’s Great Cities Are Fixing the Climate Crisis, David Miller argues that cities are taking action on climate change because they can – and because they must. Taking cues from progressive cities around the world, including Los Angeles, New York, Toronto, Oslo, Shenzhen, and Sydney, this book is a summons to every city to make small but significant changes that can drastically reduce our carbon footprint. As much a “how to” guide for policymakers as a work for concerned citizens, Solved aims to inspire hope through its clear and factual analysis of what can be done – now, today – to mitigate our harmful emissions and pave the way to a 1.5-degree world.

Join the School of Cities and the Environmental Governance Lab for a conversation with David Miller about leading global cities and creating a more sustainable planet.


David Miller
Author and Director, C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group

Matti Siemiatycki
Interim Director, School of Cities

Teresa Kramarz
Opening Remarks
Co-Director Environmental Governance Lab, Munk School

Soukayna Remmal
Recent Graduate Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy and School of Cities Fellow


School of Cities, University of Toronto

Environmental Governance Lab, Munk School



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