Amy Janzwood: The Contentious Politics of Mega Oil Sands Pipeline Projects

Amy Janzwood, a post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Political Science at the University of British Columbia, presented her research on the politics behind mega oil pipeline projects. She began by discussing how many actors have scrutinized the oil sands, especially social movement campaigns against pipelines. Her research outlines how these campaign coalitions influenced change […]

by The Environmental Governance Lab January 22, 2021

Kathryn Chelminski: Rebalancing the Established Institutional Order – The Rise of Global South Institutions in Driving Clean Energy Development

Kathryn Chelminski, an affiliated Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Toronto Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy discussed her research on the role of the Global South in driving clean energy developments. Her research aims to contribute to the energy and climate governance literature by expanding on the role of emerging donors and […]

by The Environmental Governance Lab December 4, 2020

Daniel Rosenbloom and Adrian Rinscheid: Intentional Decline and the Pursuit of Decarbonization – Systemic Review and Implications for Policy Summary

Daniel Rosenbloom, a SSHRC post-doctoral researcher at the EGL, presented his research on deliberate decline in the context of decarbonization. He argued that the intentional decline of carbon-intensive arrangements is a crucial yet underappreciated dimension of climate policy. His work elaborated three concepts that engage with decline: phase-out, divestment, and destabilization. Rosenbloom argued that examining […]

by The Environmental Governance Lab February 7, 2020

Nadège Compaoré: Home State Responsibility and Canadian Mining Abroad – Possibilities for transnational environmental regulation

Nadège Compaoré, a post-doctoral candidate from the department of Political Science at the University of Toronto, discussed her research focusing on Canadian mining in Africa. This study looks at the concept of home state responsibility within the context of transnational mining. She focuses on the Canadian government’s role in Africa’s mining sector, by unpacking current […]

by The Environmental Governance Lab February 7, 2020

Andrea Olive: Transformative Politics of the Wild

Andrea Olive, a professor associated with the Environmental Governance Lab, showcased her research proposal regarding the politics behind biodiversity legislations in Canada. Specifically, Olive aims to uncover the political and policy causes of declining rates of wildlife in the context of increasing global conservation. Furthermore, she identifies three challenges within the issue: data availability, multi-agency […]

by The Environmental Governance Lab February 6, 2020