
Nadège Compaoré: Home State Responsibility and Canadian Mining Abroad – Possibilities for transnational environmental regulation

Nadège Compaoré, a post-doctoral candidate from the department of Political Science at the University of Toronto, discussed her research focusing on Canadian mining in Africa. This study looks at the concept of home state responsibility within the context of transnational mining. She focuses on the Canadian government’s role in Africa’s mining sector, by unpacking current CSR strategies deployed by the government to acknowledge its responsibilities in regulating Canadian mining companies’ behavior abroad. In doing so, she questions the role of the newly created Canadian Ombudsperson for Responsible Enterprise (CORE) office, and she pays specific attention to the “democratic and political legitimacy” of this office. Ultimately, this paper speaks to the implications of the Ombudsperson office for home state regulation, particularly when it comes to transnational environmental rights abuses in the mining sector.

Learn more about Nadège’s work here