
Daniel Rosenbloom and Adrian Rinscheid: Intentional Decline and the Pursuit of Decarbonization – Systemic Review and Implications for Policy Summary

Daniel Rosenbloom, a SSHRC post-doctoral researcher at the EGL, presented his research on deliberate decline in the context of decarbonization. He argued that the intentional decline of carbon-intensive arrangements is a crucial yet underappreciated dimension of climate policy. His work elaborated three concepts that engage with decline: phase-out, divestment, and destabilization. Rosenbloom argued that examining the application of these concepts in both theory and practice provides important lessons for breaking carbon lock-in. He concluded that efforts to promote innovation and decline must work together in order to accelerate low-carbon pathways. This work has now been published in WIRES Climate Change.

Learn more about Daniel’s work:

Daniel Rosenbloom and Jochen Markard. 2020. A COVID-19 recovery for climate. Science. DOI: 10.1126/science.abc4887.