
Laura Tozer: Bringing Nature Into The City? Transitional Governance And The Urban Politics of Nature-Based Solution

Laura Tozer, a post-doctoral research associate at Durham University, explains her study with Harriet Bulkeley on how urban nature is being governed transnationally, which highlights three themes: nature for resilience, nature for climate, and nature for nature. Moreover, she highlights the characteristics of the emerging transnational governance space, such as shifting governance arrangements and diverse actors. A focus on urban nature-based solutions for climate change illustrates what happens when the object of global environmental governance shifts.

Learn more about Laura’s work:

Hughes, S., Giest, S. and Tozer, L. (2020) Accountability and data-driven urban climate governance. Nature Climate Change. 10: 1085–1090.

Tozer, L., Hörschelmann, K., Anguelovski, I., Bulkeley, H., and Lazova, K. (2020) Whose nature? Whose city? Towards inclusive nature-based solution governance. Cities, 107: 102892.

Tozer, L. (2020) Catalyzing political momentum for the effective implementation of decarbonization for urban buildings. Energy Policy. 136, 11042.

Tozer, L. (2019) The urban material politics of decarbonization in Stockholm, London and San Francisco. Geoforum. 102, 106-115.