
Christina Hoicka: Measuring the Diffusion of Multiple Low Carbon Innovations for End-Users in a 1.5ºC Energy Transition

Christina Hoicka, a Professor of Sustainable Energy Economics from York University presented her research on how taking a systems approach can lower costs and lock-out carbon. She specified that the multiple demand-side innovations establishes complementarities. An example given is regarding the improvements within renewable energy systems, which is largely needed for combating climate change. She issued that within the systems approach, we must focus on gap analysis and find specific issues like the “duck curve”. The duck curve is the graph which illustrates the imbalance between peak demand and renewable energy production; this factor is often of concern when the push for renewable energy is presented. Therefore if policy domains and improved innovations focus on combating the gaps, there can be improvements regarding the energy transitions. More information can be found here.

Learn more about Christina’s work here