Dr. David Chu Professor and Director in Asia Pacific Studies, Takashi Fujitani, and Professor Tong Lam (History) selected Adrianna Eby as the winner of the 2017-18 Imaging the Asia Pacific photo contest for her photo “Sidewalk Glamour.”

The photo was selected from a large number of excellent entries and was judged to be the most outstanding among them. Adrianna is an MPP student in the School of Public Policy and Governance.

Two runners up were also selected, including Visual Studies undergraduate student Baichao Chen for his photo “Chai Qian” and Munk One student Carey Davis for her photo “Daydreamer.”

Sidewalk Glamour by Adrianna Eby

“Sidewalk Glamour,” by Adrianna Eby. Sidewalk hair salon in Ho Chi Minh City.

A jacket is draped over a window ledge. “Chai Qian,” by Baichao Chen. The photo depicts a neighbourhood under urban renewal in China. A children’s jacket was left on the balcony because of a hurried moving out process.

A boy looks out the window.

“Daydreamer,” by Carey Davis. Lost in reveries, a school boy peeks outside away from his pedantic lesson (Shan State, Myanmar).

View all 2017-18 photo contest entries here.