In February, Dr. David Chu Professor and Director in Asia Pacific Studies, Takashi Fujitani, and Professor Tong Lam (History) selected Joshua Nashieski as the winner of the 2014-15 Imaging the Asia Pacific photo contest for his photo “Monsoon Remix.”

The photo was selected from a large number of excellent entries and was judged to be the most outstanding among them. Joshua is an M.Sc. student in Physical Geography.

Two runners up were also selected, including Contemporary Asian Studies and Human Geography undergraduate student Tsun Him Timothy Tse for his photo, “Intimacy,” and Earth Sciences doctoral student, Alice Man-Yin Tsang, for her photo, “Walking a Fine Line.”

Joshua Nasielski, "Moonsoon Remix"

“Monsoon Remix,” by Joshua Nashieski. Powerful and immense, the presence or absence of the monsoons dictates rural life in Southeast Asia as nature alternates annually between the wet and dry seasons. A continual monsoon remix.

Tse Tsun Hun, "Intimacy"

“Intimacy,” by Timothy Tse. Captured in the Quarry Bay neighborhood, the picture illustrates a very common scene across Hong Kong – families living in very small apartments. Everyone is living very close to each other, yet the relationship between neighbours seems to be the opposite. Should we have more intimacy and interaction with others?

Alice Man Yin Tsang, "Walking a fine line"

“Walking a Fine Line,” by Alice Tsang. The Asia-Pacific is huge and fast-growing. The fast growing comes with signs of economic and social instability. Leaders in the Asia-Pacific are taking very cautious steps forward. Guangdong, China.