In the spirit of damayan, or “mutual aid in time of need,” the Asian Institute and the Dr. David Chu Program in Asia-Pacific Studies held a fundraiser breakfast on November 27, 2013, to aid victims of Typhoon Haiyan. Thanks to your support, we are pleased to announce that we raised close to $4,000 in donations, which was matched by the Government of Canada to bring the total to almost $8,000. The proceeds have been donated to the Canadian Red Cross and Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders Canada for Typhoon Haiyan relief.

As the media has reported, sustained winds reached 250 kilometres per hour, and with wind gusts of more than 300 kph, Haiyan was the most powerful tropical cyclone in recorded history to make landfall. It is estimated that the typhoon and its aftermath have affected more than 11 million people and the death toll is mounting. Our hearts go out to those who have suffered directly and their loved ones, many of whom are our neighbours, colleagues, and friends.