Lance McCready

Associate Professor, Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education, OISE
Affiliated Faculty, CSUS


(416) 978-0890



Research Overview

Dr. McCready’s research program is concerned with the education, health and well-being of urban youth. His dissertation and subsequent publications focused on “making space” for diverse masculinities in urban education and how the experiences of gay and gender non-conforming Black male students reframe the troubles Black males face in urban high schools. His most recent research focuses on the educational trajectories of young black men in Canadian urban centres, and programs and services for ethnic and racial minority males who are underrepresented in North American colleges and universities. Conceptually, he is interested in the ways intersectionality, social determinants of health, and gender relations frameworks can be mobilized to develop more effective programs that promote academic achievement, well-being, school engagement, and access to higher education.

Academic History

Lance earned his M.A.and Ph.D. in Social and Cultural Studies in Education from the University of California, Berkeley with Designated Emphasis in Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies.

Teaching Overview

Dr. McCready teaches School & Society in the Secondary Initial Teacher Education Program (B.Ed.) and Urban Education, Gender Equity, Qualitative Research Methods in the graduate Curriculum Studies and Teacher Development Program. He also serves as the department coordinator and instructor in the M.Ed. cohort in Urban Education.

Representative Publications

McCready, L. T. (2010). Making space for diverse masculinities: Identity, intersectionality, and engagement in an urban high school (pp. i-140). New York: Peter Lang.

Book Chapters
McCready, L. T. (2009). Troubles of black boys in urban schools in the united states: Black feminist and gay men’s perspectives. In W. Martino, M. B. Weaver-Hightower & M. Kehler (Eds.), The problem with boys’ education: Beyond the backlash (pp. ). New York: Routledge.

Journal Articles
Venzant-Chambers, T. and McCready, L. T. (published online March 31, 2011). “Making Space” for ourselves: African American student responses to their marginalization. Urban Education.

McCready, L. T. (2010). Black queer bodies, afrocentric reform and masculine anxiety in an African dance program. International Journal of Critical Pedagogy, 3(1), 52-67.

McCready, L. T. (2004/2005).  Some challenges facing queer youth programs in urban high schools: racial segregation and de-normalizing whiteness.  Journal of Gay and Lesbian Issues in Education, 1(3), 37-51.
Research Grants and Contracts

Dr. McCready’s research on “making space” for diverse masculinities has been supported by grants and fellowships from Five-Colleges Incorporated, Center for Urban Education at UC Berkeley, and the Spencer Foundation. Dr. McCreadys research on intervention programs and services for ethnic and racial minority male youth has been supported by Ford Foundation/National Academy of Sciences and the Toronto District School Board. Dr. McCready was recently awarded a New Scholars Grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) to conduct exploratory research on the educational trajectories of young black men.

Honours and Awards

Excellence in Graduate Research, AERA Talent Development of Students Placed At Risk SIG
Flanders Fellowship, University of California Berkeley
Humanities Research Grant, University of California, Berkeley
Spencer Research Training Fellowship, University of California, Berkeley
Mentored Research Fellowship, University of California, Berkeley
Center for Research on Education and Work Mini-Grant,
Graduate Opportunity Fellowship, University of California, Berkeley
Putting Children First Fellowship, Columbia University Teachers College

Professional Activities

Dr. McCready is a faculty affiliate of several centres across the University of Toronto including the Centre for Urban Schooling, the Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies, the Centre for the Study of the United States, and the Centre for Media and Culture in Education. He is also on the board of AIDS Community of Toronto (ACT). He has served as a reviewer and/or contributing editor for several peer-reviewed publications including Curriculum Inquiry, Urban Education, and Journal of LGBT Youth. He is an active member of the American Educaiton Research Association (AERA), currently serving as the Affirmative Action Officer for Division B: Curriculum Studies and previously as the Chair and Co-Chair of the Queer Studies special interest group (SIG).

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