Dear students, colleagues and friends of the Munk School:

The President of the United States has issued an executive order temporarily banning refugees and immigrants from seven majority-Muslim countries.

As Director and Associate Director of the Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto, we want to express solidarity with all those affected by this ill-considered and dangerous executive order. Not only does it breach fundamental human rights principles and obligations to protect refugees, the order inflames tensions and may well lead to greater insecurity.  It is a painful and unconscionable attack on Muslims.

The executive order potentially affects students, staff, and faculty at the Munk School as well as our partners in many parts of the world. As noted in the University of Toronto’s response, university communities value and depend on the free flow of people, and the diverse ideas and approaches to the teaching and learning that they bring. This executive order offends the values, mission, and very identity we hold as a school of global affairs.

We want to affirm to our students and colleagues the Munk School’s full support should they be directly affected by this order. We urge at-risk individuals to exercise caution in making travel plans that could lead to landing in the United States of America. Please do consult the University of Toronto Safety Abroad website. International students may also want to consult  for updates on the situation.

Stephen J. Toope and Ron Levi

Munk School of Global Affairs