Sam Parker is graduating this June with a Major in Health Studies along with a Double Minor in American Studies and History. We asked her about her undergraduate experience and where she is headed to next!

Please share your fondest memory from being an American Studies student.

I think my fondest memories are the friends I made in the program. Being such a small program means that the same people are in many of your classes. It is so nice to always start the semester surrounded by familiar faces. I was even bold enough to reach out to a few of them outside of class and feel lucky to count them as my friends. I also fondly remember when Professor Rahr brought chocolates to AMS200: Introduction to American Studies class before winter break. I think that was the moment I knew the program was for me. Chocolate in class! What more do you need?

What are some of the courses that you really enjoyed taking and why?

I loved USA311, Epidemic: The History and Culture of American Contagion. It took this course in the Fall of 2020 and it remains the best class I took at U of T! The idea of the epidemic was the perfect plane of inquiry for a multidisciplinary approach; the class brought together history, politics, social theory and media. Every class seemed to be more interesting than the one before. A true 10/10!

What are some ways that you were involved with the program?

I worked on the American Studies Journal as an editor. I also participated in some program exploration days, sharing my experience with students who were trying to decide their path at U of T.

Do you have any words of wisdom for current or future American Studies students?

Don’t be afraid to reach out to the other students in your classes. Everyone in this program is awesome and you never know, you could make a new friend. Also, brag about the program! I really think it’s the best kept secret at U of T. Tell people how awesome we are so more students want to join us.

What are next steps for you after graduating from U of T?

I’ll be starting a Master of Public Health at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island in the Fall. I’ll be there as a Dean’s Scholar and just found out that the program has some education enrichment opportunities with Brown’s American Studies department. I can’t wait.

A huge congratulations to Sam! CSUS wishes her the best of luck in her exciting new endeavors!