Anusha Ali is one of the American Studies students that will be graduating this June with a Minor in American Studies. She will also be getting a Major in Global Health and a Minor in Religion! Find out more about her experience in the American Studies Program and learn about how the interdisciplinarity of the program was beneficial to her studies.

Please share your fondest memory from being an American Studies student.

Through my time in American Studies, I most enjoyed the ability to interact with my professors on a more personal level. Professor Alexandra Rahr is one of the most accomplished individuals I have had the chance to get to know. Professor Rahr was instrumental in helping me reach my grad school and career goals through the coursework in her classes and hands- on approach. I am so glad I had the opportunity to meet such an inspiring trailblazer in the American Studies Program.

What are some of the courses that you really enjoyed taking and why?

I took USA200 in my second year, USA300 in my third year, and USA311 in my fourth year. By far my favorite course was USA311 since the topic -Epidemic: The History and Culture of American Contagion- perfectly merged my major of Global Health with my minor in American Studies to cultivate the understanding of how contagion has been perceived through American History. Along with that, I have been able to use the knowledge from the course to build my passion in public health and narrow down career options.

What are some ways that you were involved with the program?

I had the opportunity to serve as one of the Assistant Editors for the CSUS Undergraduate Journal this past year. This position was a great insight into the work many students have done which coincides with the theme for the year. This year’s theme was “UPROOTED” and centered on highlighting flaws within American history in which erasure and eradication of history has occurred.

Do you have any words of wisdom for current or future American Studies students?

Keep an open mind and be willing to learn. I grew up in Tennessee and my education was revolving the curriculum which the public school was allowed to teach, and not on the many issues which are erased from American history. In American Studies, I learned so much that challenged my previous beliefs about the reality of the nation’s history. At CSUS, I was always encouraged to reach out to my peers and instructors to talk about anything I needed help with. Many Professors I have encountered in this program have been open to productive discussions and provide insightful feedback on assignments or even current events. Don’t be scared to ask for help – everyone at CSUS is here to make sure you reach your educational and professional goals.

What are next steps for you after graduating from U of T?

I will be attending NYU School of Global Public Health to start my Masters of Public Health with a concentration in Public Health Policy and Management!

What are some insights from the American Studies Program that you think you will be able to apply in your future activities?

My professional goal involves merging my programs of Global Health, American Studies and Religion. Global Health provides me the framework to address the issues of health disparities across the world, American Studies excavates the historical structure of poor distribution of resources amongst socially, politically and economically disadvantaged communities within the United States, and Religion allows me to reflect on how it affects the human condition and society as a whole. They allow me to holistically approach health and further enhance my passion for healthcare, policy, and advocacy.

Congratulations to Anusha! We hope to stay connected and look forward to hearing about her studies at NYU!