
Headshot of Peter Loewen

Peter Loewen’s research discussed in Varsity article

March 30, 2015

CSUS Director Peter Loewen‘s research, conducted with graduate student Alex Kamath, was discussed in an article in The Varsity called “Health care system needs reform.”

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Headshot of Peter Loewen

Peter Loewen’s research discussed in Ottawa Citizen article

March 25, 2015

CSUS Director Peter Loewen’s research was discussed in an Ottawa Citizen article called “Canadian democracy rates a mediocre ‘C’ in new report.”

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Headshot of Peter Loewen

Peter Loewen quoted on CBC News

March 24, 2015

CSUS Director Peter Loewen was quoted in an article on CBC News called, “Ted Cruz, presidential bids, and why being 1st is worst.”

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Headshot of Peter Loewen

Loewen: Inequality and Canadian Politics

March 20, 2015

CSUS Director Peter Loewen wrote an article in the Ottawa Citizen called “Inequality and Canadian politics.“

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Headshot of Peter Loewen

Loewen: Reform Act just the beginning

March 4, 2015

CSUS Director Peter Loewen wrote an article in the Ottawa Citizen, called “Reform Act just the beginning.”

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Headshot of Peter Loewen

Loewen: What Did we Expect of Eve Adams?

February 13, 2015

CSUS Director Peter Loewen wrote an article in the Ottawa Citizen called “What did we expect of Eve Adams?“

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CSUS Affiliated Faculty Pamela Klassen wins a major German grant & the Northrop Frye Award

February 3, 2015

This intersection between multiculturalism, religion and public memory is the focus of a major new study about to be undertaken by U of T’s Pamela Klassen, a professor in the department of the study of religion. Klassen has been awarded €250,000 (about...

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Headshot of Peter Loewen

Loewen: No way to shrink a legislature

January 30, 2015

CSUS Director Peter Loewen wrote an article in the Ottawa Citizen called “Loewen: No way to shrink a legislature.”

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Headshot of Peter Loewen

Loewen: The economy isn’t such bad news for Stephen Harper

January 23, 2015

CSUS Director Peter Loewen wrote an article in the Ottawa Citizen called “The economy isn’t such bad news for Stephen Harper.”

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Headshot of Peter Loewen

Loewen: The 2015 election season is upon us

January 2, 2015

CSUS Director Peter Loewen published a column in the Ottawa Citizen called “The 2015 election season is upon us.”

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