CSUS funds a number of graduate students from our member departments, either to undertake research directly tied to their PhD dissertation or to travel to conferences to disseminate the findings of that research. We are pleased to announce that, for the 2017-18 academic year, we have been able to help out three graduate students who are all doing engaging and insightful research on the United States: Katie Davis (History); Caroline Holland (English); and Justin Morris (Cinema Studies).

These Graduate Student Workshops are open to the university community and are a great way for grad students to learn about current American Studies research and practice professional skills. The one thing we ask of our graduate student award recipients is that they present their dissertation research as part of our regular and ongoing graduate student workshop. The first of these will be held on Thursday, November 30, and will feature Katie Davis speaking on “Paying Lip Service to Peace: Dissent and the Public in the Early Cold War.”

To register for any of the Graduate Student Workshop lectures, please go to the events page of our website here.