The Bissell-Heyd Faculty Fellowship was established in 2016, as a way to advance the research of assistant or associate professors at the University of Toronto whose scholarly work focuses on the United States. We have funding for one (and occasionally two) Fellows each year. The aid we provide can take various forms, but one basic component is the opportunity to showcase their research at an open workshop. I am delighted to announce that this year’s Bissell-Heyd faculty fellow is Tim Sayle, an assistant professor in the Department of History. Prof. Sayle works on the history of American foreign policy, especially in the Cold War and post-Cold War eras. He is planning a workshop for the spring that is designed to explore the past, present, and future of U.S. nuclear proliferation and non-proliferation policy – a rather timely topic, I think you’ll agree.

For more information on Prof. Sayle and his research, please see his profile here.