Dear Colleagues, Students and Friends:

It is my very sad duty to inform you that Professor Joseph O’Connell, our friend and long-time supporter of the Centre for South Asian Studies, passed away suddenly on Sunday, May 7, 2012 in New York City.

Professor O’Connell was a member of the Department for the Study of Religion and in the Faculty of Theology at St. Michael’s.  He will be greatly missed by his many friends and colleagues, especially those who benefitted from his tireless commitment to building rich, expansive and diverse conversations in South Asian Studies.

New College, where the Centre for South Asian Studies was housed until recently, has published this obituary: In addition, please see the obituaries which appeared in both the Globe and Mail and Toronto Star, and another by William Radice of the School of Oriental and African Studies.

Dr. Ritu Birla
Director, Centre for South Asian Studies