Media Summary: Citizen Lab finds evidence of hacking of Polish opposition

On December 21, 2021, the Citizen Lab shared new information related to earlier findings of hacking by NSO Group. A report in 2018, traced Pegasus spyware to devices in 45 countries. Citizen Lab researchers are now identifying Polish political figures who are among the targets.

Why Amazon is ramping up its push for legalizing marijuana
(Washington Post)

Two More Poles Identified as Victims of Hacking With Spyware
(Washington Post)

Polish senators draft law to regulate spyware after anti-Pegasus testimony
(The Guardian)

More Polish phone-hacking victims likely, researcher says

AP Exclusive: Polish opposition duo hacked with NSO spyware
(AP News)

AP Exclusive: Polish opposition senator hacked with spyware
(AP News)

Rights group verifies Polish senator was hacked by spyware
(AP News)

Ruling party figures say Poland has Pegasus spyware

Polish Senator whose phone was hacked summoned for questioning after filing slander suit

Polish leader admits country uses NSO Group spyware, denies targeting government critics

Poland’s phone spyware scandal raises doubts over 2019 election

Claims Polish government used spyware is ‘crisis for democracy’, says opposition
(AFP via The Guardian)

Polish senator says prosecutors dragging feet over phone hacking
(Reuters) (Thomson Reuters Foundation News)

Tusk says hacking marks crisis of democracy in Poland
(The Independent – U.K.)

Polish Government Urged to Probe Spyware Use as Scandal Grows

‘Poland has crossed the Rubicon.’ Tusk’s lawyer slams government over alleged spyware use.

Spyware scandal rocks Polish government
(The Verge)

Liberals in EU parliament seek inquiry into abuse of spyware
(AP News)