Triadafilos (Phil) Triadafilopoulos

Associate Professor, Department of Political Science


(416) 978-7035



Phil Triadafilopoulos is an Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Toronto. He teaches courses in political science and public policy at the University of Toronto Scarborough and the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy and conducts research in the areas of immigration and citizenship policy in Europe and North America.

Triadafilopoulos received his Ph.D. in Political Science for the New School for Social Research and is a former Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Postdoctoral Fellow. He held a two-year visiting research fellowship at the Institute for Social Sciences at Humboldt University, was a Visiting Professor at the Hertie School of Governance and a Visiting Fellow at the Institute for German Studies at the University of Birmingham.

Triadafilopoulos’ current research examines: (i) the extension of public funding for Islamic religious education in Canada and Germany; (ii) how political parties in Europe and North America are adapting their electoral strategies in response to more culturally diverse electorates; (iii) Canadian “exceptionalism” in immigration politics and policymaking; (iv) the sources and consequences of Islamophobia in liberal-democratic states’ immigration policies; and (v) how liberal-democratic states’ pursuit of selective “managed migration” policies has generated increasingly illiberal policies toward asylum seekers and other “unwanted” migrants.

Triadafilopoulos is the author of Becoming Multicultural: Immigration and the Politics of Membership in Canada and Germany (UBC Press), the editor of Wanted and Welcome? Policies for Highly Skilled Immigrants in Comparative Perspective (Springer), and the co-editor of Segmented Cities? How Urban Contexts Shape Ethnic and Nationalist Politics (UBC Press) and European Encounters: Migrants, Migration and European Societies since 1945 (Ashgate).

Triadafilopoulos’ scholarly publications have appeared in the American Review of Canadian Studies, Ethnicities, German Politics, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Social Politics, German Politics and Society, the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Social Research, the Review of International Studies, Citizenship Studies, and The Journal of Politics. More information regarding Triadafilopoulos’ research can be found here:

Courses Taught
PPG1001H: The Policy Process

PPG2013H: The Limits of Rationality


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