Paul Perron

Director of the Centre des Études de la France et du Monde Francophone (CEFMF)
Centre for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies
Professor Emeritus, Department of French


416 946 89 59


303N, 1 Devonshire Place



Paul Perron is Director of the Centre des Études de la France et du Monde Francophone / Centre for the Study of France, former Chair of the Department of French and Principal of University College, University of Toronto. Visiting Professor at the Universities of Montpellier and Paris VII, Distinguished Visiting Professor at National Central University in Taiwan, he has lectured widely in North America, Europe and Asia. Past President of the Semiotic Society of North America he has published many works on narratology, semiotics, New France, Québécois, 19th and 20th century French literature. He is author, editor and translator of numerous books, his most recent being: Narratology and TextSubjectivity and Identity in New France and Québécois LiteratureClassic Readings in SemioticsLectures de Pierre TorreillesQuête identitaire et subjectivité dans la prose québécoise du 19ième siècleVladimir ProppOn the Comic and LaughterEdgard Pisani: A Personal View of the World; Edgard Pisani: An Old Man and the Land and has recently translated Edgard Pisani: Being and Believing: Meditations. Former Associate Editor of Semiotica, the journal of the International Society of Semiotics, he is Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, and was awarded the distinctions of Commandeur dans l’Ordre des Palmes académiques, and Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur for services rendered to French culture and education.

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