Mark Manger

Mark Manger

Associate Professor of Political Economy and Global Affairs




Mark Manger is Associate Professor of Political Economy and Global Affairs at the Munk School, and Director of the Global Economic Policy Lab. His work investigates on the political economy of trade and exchange rate policy. He is the author of “Investing in Protection: The Politics Preferential Trade Agreements between North and South” (Cambridge University Press, 2009) and in Comparative Political Studies, International Studies Quarterly, Journal of Conflict Resolution, World Politics, and World Development, among others. He has been a consultant to the Governments of Japan and Canada on the economic potential and feasibility of free trade agreements, including the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement.

other publications

Manger, M., & J, Mathews. 2021. “Knowing when to splurge: Precautionary saving and Chinese-Canadians.” Journal of Asian Economics 76. Published online March 2021.

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