
CERES Professor Lucan Way in Foreign Affairs

January 20, 2022

On the anniversary of President Joe Biden’s inauguration, Professor Lucan Way and Professor Steven Levitsky (Harvard) have published an article in Foreign Affairs: “America’s Coming Age of Instability – Why Constitutional Crises and Political Violence Could Soon Be the Norm.”  View...

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Dr. Themistoklis Aravossitas on the Hellenic Studies Initiative’s innovative online portal Greeklanguage.ca

December 14, 2021

CERES is the proud host of the University of Toronto’s Hellenic Studies Initiative, which offers Modern Greek language instruction, courses in Greek history, politics, and culture, and international learning opportunities with a regular summer course in Athens and Rhodes. In...

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Photo of Lynne Viola during her research trip to Russia

CERES Faculty Lynne Viola Wins the Prestigious SSHRC Gold Medal

December 6, 2021

The Centre for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies (CERES) is thrilled to congratulate Lynne Viola on her receipt of a SSHRC Gold Medal. Professor Viola is among the world’s foremost historians of 20th century Russia, and her work on violence, gender, rurality, and political...

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Sam Jambovic, a Student in the Advanced Modern Greek Language Program, on Correct Pronunciation of “Omicron”

December 6, 2021

Sam Jambovic, a student in the University of Toronto’s advanced Modern Greek language program housed at CERES, was recently featured on CTV. In the clip, he explains to the non-Greek speaking audience how to correctly pronounce the name of the...

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Photo of V.Osmani speaking

Kosovo’s President Vjosa Osmani Visits the Munk School

November 26, 2021

CERES and the Munk School hosted Kosovo’s President Vjosa Osmani on 22 November where an almost exclusively student audience got a unique chance to talk to a world leader about what’s ahead for Kosovo and the wider Balkans. A recent article...

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Photo of C.Lukits smiling

Catherine Lukits on (Emotional) Revolution and Scholarship

October 21, 2021

Congratulations to Catherine Lukits, the winner of the 2021 Dr. Janet Hyer Essay Prize, which recognizes exceptional achievement by a second-year CERES MA candidate in completing their Major Research Paper (MRP). The prize was established in the memory of Dr....

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Cover page of the ESSA journal

2021 Messages in the Media

October 12, 2021

Congratulations to the team of editors of Messages in the Media (editor-in-chief Oya Darici and editors Maddie Skoblo, Michael Levinson, Sofia Shatrova, Nadiya Kovalenko, and Katie Kinross) on the publication of the 2021 issue of the journal! The journal is...

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Photo of J.Cermak

In Memoriam: Joseph Cermak

September 27, 2021

The CERES community is saddened to learn of the death of Josef Čermák, one of our program’s closest friends and supporters. Joe, as we all called him, was 96 years old. An immigrant from the former Czechoslovakia, Joe was a...

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Photo of Delila Bikic smiling

CERES Alumnus Delila Bikic Reflects on Her Hometown of Sarajevo

August 3, 2021

CERES Alumna Delila Bikic has recently published a reflection on her hometown of Sarajevo available for reading here: https://opencanada.org/my-sarajevo/ Delila is a recent graduate of the JD program at Osgoode Hall Law School. Delila will be commencing her articles at...

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Photo of Lucan Way

CERES Professor Lucan Way Wins the Research Excellence Faculty Scholar Award for 2021

April 23, 2021

Congratulations to CERES Faculty Member Lucan Way, who is the recipient of the Research Excellence Faculty Scholar award for 2021 at the University of Toronto Scarborough! The award committee noted Professor Way’s outstanding research record and substantial contributions to UTSC...

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