
Cover of the book "the Golden Age Shtetl" by Petrovsky-Shtern

Taverns, Vodka, and the Right to Drink: Jews and Slavs in the Ukrainian Market Towns

March 20, 2014

by Yohanan Petrovsky-Shtern (Northwestern University), on Thursday, March 27, 4-6 PM

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An image of a Russian nationalist kicking a gay rights activist

Watch Webcast: From Stalin to Sochi: The historical roots of homophobia in contemporary Russia

March 20, 2014

Dan Healey, a Professor of Modern Russian History at the University of Oxford, discussed the history of homophobia in Russia on April 17, 4-6

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Watch Webcast of the recent panel “The Crisis in Ukraine: Causes and Consequences”

March 7, 2014

On Wednesday, March 19, 2014, a panel of specialists on Russia and Ukraine at University of Toronto will discuss how the greatest crisis in Europe since the collapse of the USSR is unfolding.

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an image of a public gathering

Exhibition Opening March 10: Dictatorship and Democracy in the Age of Extremes

March 4, 2014

In 2014 we remember the 100th anniversary of World War I, 75 years since the beginning of World War II, 25 years since the Fall of the Berlin Wall, and 10 years of Eastern European expansion.

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a fragment of the concert flyer containing concert details on the green and red back ornamental background

Trio “Zozulka” Sings Village Songs from Polissia and Poltava, Ukraine

February 25, 2014

Friday, March 7, 7:00-9:00 PM, Piano Room, 7 Hart House Circle, Toronto, ON M5S 3H3

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A photograph of people in Kiev laying flowers on the improvised memorial to the victims of shootings on the background of the slogan: "the revolution must go on"

“Ukraine: Whose Revolution?” by political scientist and historian Andrew Wilson

February 25, 2014

Friday, March 14, 5-7 PM, Campbell Conference Facility, 1 Devonshire Place

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Webcast of recent talk by Margaret MacMillan: European Society and the Outbreak of the First World War

February 25, 2014

Professor MacMillan is the author of Paris 1919: Six Months That Changed The World (2003) and The War That Ended Peace: The Road to 1914 (2013).

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Photo of Randall Hansen live on CTV news

Randall Hansen discusses the sick leave of Ukraine’s president Yanukovych on CTV news

February 4, 2014

Randall Hansen, Director of CERES, discusses with CTV News the recent sick leave of Ukraine’s president Yanukovych – a possible stall tactic.

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Randall Hansen live on CTV News

Randall Hansen on Russia’s Security Measures at Sochi

January 23, 2014

Randall Hansen, Director of CERES, discusses preparing for security threats in at the Sochi Olympic games with CTV News

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Screencapture of Randall Hansen live on CTV

Opening Borders – Dropping restrictions for Bulgarian and Romanian migrants

January 23, 2014

Randall Hansen speaks with CTV on the EU and dropping restrictions on Bulgarian and Romanian migrants.

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