
The 2016 Toronto Conference on Germany: Leadership under Pressure

February 19, 2016

An annual event, this conference examines the state of the union in Germany as well as the relationship between Germany and Canada. The conference is comprised of expert panels that this year will examine: state collapse in the Middle East,...

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CERES Students Visit Hungary for Field Research

January 27, 2016

In December 2015, eight CERES MA students joined CERES Program Advisor Dr. Edith Klein and Prof. Robert Austin for a week of field research as part of Prof. Austin’s course on twentieth- and twenty-first-century Hungary. Students met with a variety...

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Randall Hansen,

Canada was snubbed at ISIS talks – and we deserved it

January 25, 2016

U of T News asked political science professor Randall Hansen, director of the Centre for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies at the Munk School of Global Affairs for his views.

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U of T PhD Students Discuss Refugees on CBC’s Ideas

January 4, 2016

Two University of Toronto Political Science PhD candidates, Kiran Banerjee and Craig Damian Smith, appeared on CBC Radio’s Ideas with Paul Kennedy last month to discuss the global refugee crisis.

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Putin’s Russia and the West: The Next Cold War?

December 16, 2015

Prof. Hansen recently appeared on the Global News 16×9 feature, “The Next Cold War?” to discuss Vladimir Putin’s aggression toward Russia’s neighbours.

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How Europe can Overcome Its Immigration Crisis

December 8, 2015

The refugee crisis in Europe has become acute. In addition to increasingly restrictive immigration legislation, the impending winter has intensified the urgency of the situation. CERES Director Randall Hansen made this presentation on 24 November 2015 at the Volkswagen Foundation in Hannover,...

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Why Canada Should Accept 100,000 Refguees

December 4, 2015

CERES Director Prof. Hansen argues that Canada can–and should–accept more refugees. Read more in this Q&A with U of T News.

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The Paris Attacks, Refugees, and ISIS: What Our Experts Say

November 26, 2015

On 20 November, the University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs held two sessions to discuss the Paris attacks, terrorism, the role of ISIS, and the global refugee crisis. Read more from U of T News on what our panel of experts...

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November 16, 2015

On November 13, ISIS launched three murderous attacks in Paris, killing 132 people and wounding others. It was the worst terrorist atrocity in mainland France since World War II. Prof. Stephen Toope (Director, Munk School of Global Affairs), Prof. Paul Cohen...

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Déclaration sur les attaques à Paris – Statement on the Paris Attacks

November 16, 2015

We at the Centre for European, Russian, & Eurasian Studies, Munk School of Global Affairs stand in full solidarity with the people of Paris and France. Our first thoughts are for the victims and their families. ISIS committed these murders...

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