The Russian invasion of Ukraine violates international law, the principles of national self-determination that have governed global politics for a century, and any sense of human decency. Our support and sympathy go out to Ukrainians in the homeland, to our faculty, staff, and students of Ukrainian nationality and descent, and to Russian nationals who oppose this grotesque action and the dictator who launched it.

CERES was founded in 1963 in part to aid Central European dissident movements resisting Soviet oppression, and today we provide scholarly support for Ukrainian democrats around the world. Russian tanks and helicopters will not extinguish the flame of Ukrainian nationalism; on the contrary, they are its oil. To paraphrase Yeats, we know their dream, enough to know they will dream and die. Now and in time to be, wherever blue and yellow are worn, are changed, changed utterly: a terrible beauty is born.

Randall Hansen, CERES Director

To help Ukraine through donations, please see the list of organizations that accept them here