Frederik Hayward, CERES MA, Class of 2020

Born in Germany and moving to Canada at a young age, Frederik has always been interested in cultural exchange and analysis with a transatlantic lens. After completing his BA in Contemporary Studies and Philosophy at the University of King’s College in Halifax, Frederik then joined CERES’ MA program. While a student at the University of Toronto, Frederik benefited greatly from internship experiences abroad, seminar classes across various disciplines, and especially from the experiences around his major research project. There, he focused on the revitalization of former synagogue spaces in Germany, seeking to understand how the institutionalization of public art both furthers and impedes the process of collective remembrance. Frederik recently began working in the Press and Culture office at the German Embassy in Ottawa, finding rewarding experiences both in cultural project management and in generally supporting the amazing relationship his two home countries continue to enjoy.

Olivia Klasios, CERES MA, Class of 2019

Immediately after graduating from CERES in June 2019, Olivia worked as a political staffer at Toronto City Hall. After a year in municipal politics, she made the move to Parliament Hill to join the office of Senator Robert Black. While at CERES, she was a member of the Graduate Student Union and Co-Chair of the 2018 Munk Graduate Student Conference. She also participated in the international internship program, travelling to Hamburg, Germany to work with Centropa, and was a member of the 2017 research trip to Budapest, Hungary, where her project focused on the lack of female political representation in the Hungarian National Parliament.