Past Events at the Centre for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies

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May 2014

  • Tuesday, May 20th Book Launch: Disobeying Hitler by Randall Hansen

    Tuesday, May 20, 20146:00PM - 8:00PMThe Vivian and David Campbell Conference Facility, Munk School of Global Affairs - 1 Devonshire Place
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    The bomb exploded. The great table lifted up and crashed down again in pieces. Shrapnel tore off limbs and fatally wounded four men. But Hitler, the target, escaped serious injury.

    Although the attempted coup succeeded in proving that there was “another Germany,” it was fatal for the military resistance. Hitler smashed its ranks. Conspirators were arrested, tortured, and slowly hanged with piano wire. Although executions continued right up until the last weeks of the war, the military, bureaucratic, and Christian resistance, as it had existed since the late 1930s, was dead by the summer of 1944.

    Resistance to Hitler’s megalomaniacal quest to lead Germany, Europe, and the world to further disaster would have to come from other, far less likely quarters: from the streets of Paris, the Riviera, the shattered cities of Germany, and the machinations of Albert Speer and Erwin Rommel.

    Both horrifying and life-affirming, Disobeying Hitler tells the untold stories of German revolt against the dying Nazi tyranny.

    If you are attending a Munk School event and require accommodation(s), please email the event contact listed above to make appropriate arrangements.

    Disclaimer: Please note that events posted on this website are considered to be public events – unless otherwise stated – and you are choosing to enter a space where your image and/or voice may be captured as part of event proceedings that may be made public as part of a broadcast, webcast, or publication (online and in print). We make every effort to ensure your personal information is kept and used in compliance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). If you have any questions please get in touch with our office at or 416-946-8900.


June 2014

  • Tuesday, June 3rd Presidential Elections in Ukraine: The Road to a Solution?

    This event has been relocated

    Tuesday, June 3, 20146:30PM - 8:30PMThe Vivian and David Campbell Conference Facility, Munk School of Global Affairs
    1 Devonshire Place
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    The crisis in Ukraine has challenged the political stability and integrity of one of Europe’s largest states and jeopardized the post-Cold War settlement in Eastern Europe. Will Presidential elections help to ease the crisis? Or will they further accentuate political divisions and perpetuate instability? Our panel of experts will analyze the results and consider the domestic as well as international implications of the vote.

    OLEH HAVRYLYSHYN, Visiting Scholar, University of Toronto and former IMF Deputy Director, EUR II Department, responsible for post-Soviet countries
    LUCAN WAY, Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Toronto
    TARAS KUZIO, Research Associate at the Center for Political and Regional Studies, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta and Non-Resident Fellow, Center for Transatlantic Relations, School of Advanced International Relations, Johns Hopkins University.
    MARTA BAZIUK, Executive Director of the Holodomor Research and Education Consortium, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta and former Coordinator, Women’s Economic Empowerment Program, Winrock International (Kyiv, Ukraine)
    JOHN JAWORSKY, Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Waterloo

    OLGA ANDRIEWSKY, Associate Professor of History, Trent University


    Svitlana Frunchak


    Lucan Way
    University of Toronto

    Oleh Havrylyshyn
    Visiting Scholar, University of Toronto

    Taras Kuzio
    University of Alberta

    Marta Baziuk
    Holodomor Research and Education Consortium

    John Jaworsky
    University of Waterloo

    Olga Andriewsky
    Trent University

    Main Sponsor

    Centre for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies


    Petro Jacyk Program for the Study of Ukraine

    If you are attending a Munk School event and require accommodation(s), please email the event contact listed above to make appropriate arrangements.

    Disclaimer: Please note that events posted on this website are considered to be public events – unless otherwise stated – and you are choosing to enter a space where your image and/or voice may be captured as part of event proceedings that may be made public as part of a broadcast, webcast, or publication (online and in print). We make every effort to ensure your personal information is kept and used in compliance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). If you have any questions please get in touch with our office at or 416-946-8900.

  • Wednesday, June 25th – Friday, June 27th Intellectual Hinterlands

    Wednesday, June 25, 20148:00AM - 6:00PMExternal Event, Victoria College,
    University of Toronto
    Thursday, June 26, 20148:00AM - 6:00PMExternal Event, Victoria College,
    University of Toronto
    Friday, June 27, 20148:00AM - 6:00PMExternal Event, Victoria College,
    University of Toronto
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    Over the past few decades, intellectual history has undergone significant changes as it has adapted to advances in cultural history, the social sciences, the history of the book and the letter, material culture, learned practices, the fine arts, and the history and philosophy of science, among others. Due to its inherently interdisciplinary nature, the adoption of new methods from outside disciplines could be said to be one of its greatest strengths. Yet, at the same time, the speed with which intellectual history has been able to adjust to changes in the outside world has meant that its identity has become fluid; lacking firm definition. What methods today define the practice of the intellectual historian? Is intellectual history a discipline still circumscribed by the “great book” and by “great thinkers,” its focus on canonical authors and their texts a help or a hindrance? Is a canon indispensible for connecting to students and broader readerships? Or should we emancipate ourselves from it entirely? Intellectual Hinterlands proposes to investigate the increasingly expansive historical, contextual, and methodological spaces in which intellectual history is now practiced, and to question whether, as intellectual historians, our unique perspective enables us to address the problems now facing liberal education, the humanities, and society at large.

    If you are attending a Munk School event and require accommodation(s), please email the event contact listed above to make appropriate arrangements.

    Disclaimer: Please note that events posted on this website are considered to be public events – unless otherwise stated – and you are choosing to enter a space where your image and/or voice may be captured as part of event proceedings that may be made public as part of a broadcast, webcast, or publication (online and in print). We make every effort to ensure your personal information is kept and used in compliance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). If you have any questions please get in touch with our office at or 416-946-8900.

  • Friday, June 27th Researchers at Risk in Central Asia: The Detention of Alexander Sodiqov

    Friday, June 27, 201412:00PM - 2:00PMThe Vivian and David Campbell Conference Facility, Munk School of Global Affairs - 1 Devonshire Place
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    A Global Discussion – Toronto Meeting

    Since 16 June 2014 Alexander Sodiqov, a young scholar and PhD student at the University of Toronto, has been in the custody of the security services in Tajikistan. Under contract to conduct academic research for a British-funded project, Sodiqov had just started his research in Khorog, Tajikistan, when his ordeal began. A Tajik national, Sodiqov was in Tajikistan conducting research on the topic of “Rising Powers and Conflict Management in Central Asia” under a contract with the University of Exeter in the UK. The project is funded by the UK’s Economic and Social Research Council. Sodiqov had just started his research in Khorog, Tajikistan, when his ordeal began. The detention incommunicado of a young scholar has generated an international outcry—from students, from scholars, from universities, from human rights groups, and from foreign governments.

    In this global discussion, held in at least seven settings, scholars consider not only the latest information about Sodiqov’s detention but also the broader implications for research scholars around the globe.

    The Toronto Meeting will be held at the Munk School of Global Affairs on Friday, June 27, 12-2 PM
    Confirmed Speakers: Prof. Edward Schatz (Univeristy of Toronto), Ms. Chrystia Freeland (Canadian MP and author)

    This panel is part of a Global Discussion (June 26 – July 1, 2014):

    Thursday, June 26
    Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan: American University of Central Asia and Institut français d’études sur l’Asie centrale

    Friday, June 27
    Exeter, United Kingdom: University of Exeter
    London, UK: School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
    Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto, Canada
    Washington, DC, USA: George Washington University

    Monday, June 30
    Paris, France: L’école des hautes etudes en sciences sociales

    Tuesday, July 1
    Freiburg, Germany: Freiburg University


    Edward Schatz
    Political Science, University of Toronto

    Chrystia Freeland
    Canadian MP and author

    Ron Deibert
    The Canada Centre for Global Security Studies and the Citizen Lab, Munk School, University of Toronto

    Main Sponsor

    Centre for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies


    Munk School of Global Affairs

    If you are attending a Munk School event and require accommodation(s), please email the event contact listed above to make appropriate arrangements.

    Disclaimer: Please note that events posted on this website are considered to be public events – unless otherwise stated – and you are choosing to enter a space where your image and/or voice may be captured as part of event proceedings that may be made public as part of a broadcast, webcast, or publication (online and in print). We make every effort to ensure your personal information is kept and used in compliance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). If you have any questions please get in touch with our office at or 416-946-8900.


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