Roundtable: Migration Challenges in 21st Century Europe

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Tuesday, March 31st, 2009

Tuesday, March 31, 200910:00AM - 12:00PMThe Vivian and David Campbell Conference Facility, Munk Centre For International Studies - 1 Devonshire Place
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The aim of this public forum is to bring together leading scholars whose work focuses on immigration policy from a variety of perspectives in different European countries (including the post-Soviet region) to explore the challenges for migration policies in 21^st century Europe. Thus, this public forum provides an opportunity for a diverse range of faculty and graduate students, who often work in isolation, to meet and discuss issues of common interest and across national borders. It thus helps break down the tendency within the study of immigration policy to focus on individual national case studies. The inclusion of the post-Soviet region is intended to help integrate discussion of this important zone of international migration with the more established scholarly literature on immigration in North America and Western Europe.

Among the key issues/questions to be discussed are the following:

* national and regional particularities in the policing and
governance of immigrant communities;
* effects of differing national immigrant enforcement strategies,
especially with respect to situation of “the undocumented”
* changes in immigrant enforcement strategies, border control, and
policing of different communities in the post-9/11 period
* policing of immigrant youth groups and gangs on the micro- (or
local) level
* the ambiguities of national policies and legislation, and their
enforcement or non-enforcement by local officials and police,
including the phenomena of corruption and malfeasance in the
enforcement of immigration controls
* strategies by which members of immigrant groups negotiate their
legal status and enforcement controls


Larysa Iarovenko


Didier Bigo
Sciences-Po, Paris, and King’s College, London

David Brotherton
Chair of Sociology, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York

Thierry Delpeuch
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris

Mikhail Denissenko
Moscow State University

Chowra Makaremi
Université de Montréal

Jacqueline Ross
University of Illinois College of Law, Champaign, Illinois, and Columbia University, New York

Blair Ruble
Director of Kennan Institute, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, D.C.

Frank van Gemert
Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam

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