The Stickiness of National Perspectives on a European Immigration Policy

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Friday, March 20th, 2009

Friday, March 20, 20092:00PM - 4:00PMSeminar Room 208N, Munk Centre For International Studies
1 Devonshire Place
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The contents of the recent European Pact on Immigration and Asylum reconfirm the thesis that the EU’s member states are ceding their decision-making prerogatives on immigration-related matters but slowly, compromising only as much interdependence sovereignty as is necessary. As a result, the central questions persist: Is a comprehensive European immigration policy desirable and, if so, is it politically feasible?

Author’s Bio
Anthony M. Messina specializes on the politics of ethnicity, race, and immigration in Western Europe. He is the author of Race and Party Competition in Britain (1989) and The Logics and Politics of Post-World War II Migration to Western Europe (2007) and has either edited or co-edited Ethnic and Racial Minorities in the Advanced Industrial Democracies (1992), West European Immigration and Immigrant Policy in the New Century (2002), The Migration Reader (2006), and The Year of the Euro: The Social and Political Import of Europe’s Common Currency (2006). His articles have appeared in the numerous scholarly journals and anthologies. In July 2009 he assumes the position of John R. Reitemeyer Professor of Comparative Politics at Trinity College in Hartford, CT.


Larysa Iarovenko


Anthony Messina
University of Notre Dame

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