Tuesday, November 17th, 2009 The Holodomor and the Soviet famines, 1931-33

Tuesday, November 17, 20096:00PM - 8:00PMExternal Event, Combination Room, Trinity College (6 Hoskin Avenue)


Annual Ukrainian Famine Lecture


The lecture will discuss the relations between the pan-Soviet 1931–1933 famine, and special phenomena such as the Kazakhstan famine-cum-epidemics of 1931–1933 and the Ukrainian-Kuban Holodomor of late 1932 to early 1933. On the one hand, it will analyze their common causes and their common background; on the other,it will focus on the specific traits of these major tragedies, addressing their relations with Stalin’s decisions and policies in Moscow as well as with local conditions. A discussion of the genocide issue, and of recent controversies, will be followed by some thoughts on the Holodomor’s consequences for Ukraine.

Andrea Graziosi is Professor of History at the University of Naples “Federico II” and President (2007-2011) of the Italian Society for the Study of Contemporary History (www.sissco.it). He is the author, among other things, of “Lettere da Kharkov” (Torino, Einaudi, 1991 and Kharkiv, 2007), “The Great Soviet Peasant War” (Cambridge, MA, 1996 and Moscow, 2001), “Bol’ševiki i krest’iane na Ukraine, 1918-1919” (Moscow, AIRO-XX, 1997), “A New, Peculiar State. Explorations in Soviet History” (Westport, CT, 2000), “Guerra e rivoluzione in Europa 1905-1956” (Bologna, 2002, Kyiv and Moscow, 2005), “L’Urss di Lenin e Stalin, 1914-1945” (Bologna, 2007) and “L’Urss dal trionfo al degrado, 1945-1991” (Bologna, Il Mulino, 2008). He serves in Editorial Boards of a number of French, English, Italian, Ukrainian and U.S. specialized journals, co-edits in Moscow, since 1992, the series “Dokumenty sovetskoi istorii” (15 volumes in print) and is a member of the editorial board of the series Istoriia Stalinizma (Rosspen, Moscow).


Andrea Graziosi
University of Naples, Italy

Main Sponsor

Petro Jacyk Program for the Study of Ukraine


Canadian Foundation for Ukrainian Studies

Ukrainian Canadian Congress, Toronto Branch

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