DAAD Conference

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Thursday, March 19th, 2009 – Friday, March 20th, 2009

Thursday, March 19, 20099:00AM - 9:00PMThe Vivian and David Campbell Conference Facility, 'Munk Centre For International Studies - 1 Devonshire Place
Friday, March 20, 20099:00AM - 6:00PMThe Vivian and David Campbell Conference Facility, 'Munk Centre For International Studies - 1 Devonshire Place
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Twenty Years After: Dealing with the Heritage of Communism
An international conference at the Munk Centre for International Studies

March 19-20, 2009


9:00 am:
Welcome address and introduction
Thomas Großbölting (Visiting DAAD Professor. Department of History, University of Toronto, and IGES Magdeburg)

9:15 am
I: Lustration and Decommunization: A View from Inside

Poland and its Contested Past –
Lukasz Kaminski (IPN Warsaw, Vice-Director of The Public Education Office)

Deutschlands Umgang mit der DDR-Vergangenheit (How Germany Deals with the Past of the former GDR)
Marianne Birthler (Federal Commissioner of the Stasi Files, Berlin)

Lustration in the Western Balkans: A Regional Overview
Nenad Sebek (Director of the Center for Democracy and Reconciliation in Southeast Europe, Thessaloniki)

Jennifer Jenkins (Department of History, University of Toronto)

1:30 pm
II: “Lessons from the Past”? Public Debates, Scientific Research, and their Effects on the Young Democracies and the European Union

The Forgotten Velvet Revolution? Handling the Past in the Czech Republic
Tůma Oldřich (Institute for Contemporary History, Prague)

Toward a New Antitotalitarian Consensus: Remembering the Dictatorial Past and Transition to Democracy in Germany after 1945 and 1989
Thomas Schaarschmidt (Zentrum Zeithistorische Forschungen Potsdam)

Aufarbeitung”and “Geschichtspolitik” – The Contested GDR Past
Thomas Großbölting (Visiting DAAD Professor. Department of History, University of Toronto, and IGES Magdeburg)

“The Need for International Condemnation of Crimes of Totalitarian Communist Regimes” – The Resolution 1481/2006 of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly and its Consequences
Göran Lindblad (Member of the Swedish Riksdag and The Council of Europe)

Doris Bergen (History Department, University of Toronto)


Introduction of A. James McAdams by Randall Hansen (Department of Political Science, University of Toronto)

Transitional Justice: The Issue that Won’t Go Away
James McAdams (William M. Scholl Professor of International Affairs, and Director, Nanovic Institute for European Studies, University of Notre Dame)

Randall Hansen

FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 2009

9:15 am
III: Discourses and Practices in Post-Communist Societies

Lustration and its Effects in the Czech Republic
Pavel Žáček (Director of the Office for the Documentation and the Investigation of the Crimes of Communism Police of the Czech Republic, Prague)

Ambiguous Recollections: An Anthropological Perspective on Memory Work in East Germany
Anselma Gallinat (Newcastle University)

Options and Limits – Transitional Justice in Different East European Societies
Lavinia Stan (Department of Political Science, St Francis Xavier University)

Gary Bruce (Department of Political Science, University of Waterloo)

1:30 pm
IV: Establishing Democracies: Historical and Actual Comparisons

Dealing with the Past in Spite of the Present: Transitional Justice in Chile
Claudio Fuentes (Director ICSO, Universidad Diego Portales)

Memory Politics in Transition and Post-Transition: Experiences from Latin America
Cath Collins (School of Political Science, Universidad Diego Portales)

The Truth and Reconciliation Process: The Experience of South Africa
Charles Villa-Vicencio (Former Director of Research, South Africa Truth and Reconcilation Commission)

Judith Teichman (Department of Political Science, University of Toronto)

4:30 pm
Closing Session: New Ways and Perspectives to Face a Dictatorial Heritage: An Open Debate

Randall Hansen (Department of Political Science, University of Toronto)


Edith Klein

Main Sponsor

Joint Initiative in German and European Studies


Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst

Munk Centre for International Studies

Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Washington, DC

Gerda Henkel Stiftung

Heinrich Boell Stiftung North America

Institute of European Studies

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