Wednesday, November 12th, 2008 Mapping Eastern Europe as German Colonial Space: Persuasive Cartography and Territorial Expansionism During the Interwar Period

Wednesday, November 12, 20082:00PM - 4:00PMSeminar Room 108N, Munk Centre For International Studies
1 Devonshire Place


Kristin Kopp is an assistant professor of German studies at the University of Missouri, Columbia. Her research focuses on German-Polish cultural history, German colonialism, and German film. She is currently completing a book manuscript investigating the construction of Poland as German colonial space in the 19th and 20th centuries. She is co-editor of Die Großstadt und das Primitive: Text, Politik, Repräsentation (Metzler, 2004), which investigates the use of colonial categories to map urban space in the European metropolis at the turn of the century; Peter Altenberg: Ashantee. Afrika und Wien um 1900 (Löcker, 2008), on the most famous German-language text to depict the colonial “people shows” popular at the turn of the century; and a co-edited volume on contemporary instrumentalizations of memory narratives in German and Polish politics, culture, and commerce.


Kristin Kopp
University of Missouri

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