Friday, October 31st, 2008 Screening the Iron Curtain: A Short History of Soviet Cinema’s Cold War Cycle (1940s-1980s)

Friday, October 31, 20084:00PM - 7:00PMSeminar Room 108N, Munk Centre For International Studies
1 Devonshire Place


The presentation will examine Soviet films made during and about the Cold War, paying special attention to the changes in their content and style in the context of the confrontation’s course. It will compare the grand-scale, talent-intensive propaganda productions of the late Stalin era – the conflict’s initial and acute phase; low-profile genre movies and “peaceful coexistence” extravaganzas reflecting Khrushchev’s balancing between confrontation and rapprochement; the upgrading of the spy genre as one of the reactions of the early post-Thaw period; ideological pretensions of the period of détente; and cinematic representations of the Soviet retreat and collapse.

Sergei Kapterev holds a Doctorate in Cinema Studies from New York University. His interests include film propaganda, war cinema and the Cinema of the Cold War, Soviet-American contacts in the sphere of cinema, the genre of expeditionary film, and representations of the Far East in Soviet and Russian film culture. This paper will focus on images of China produced by Soviet politicians, propagandists and filmmakers when China was seen as a key battleground of world revolution, as well as during the Soviet rearrangement of forces and concepts in the face of Japanese expansion. The paper will also touch upon some developments and trends which emerged in Soviet cinematic attitudes towards China after the establishment of the PRC.
He has recently published a book entitled Post-Stalinist Cinema and the Russian Intelligentsia, 1953-1960 (Saarbruecken: VDM Dr. Mueller, 2008)
Member of the Toronto-based Chemodan Films group.


Sergei Kapterev
Research Institute of Cinema Art (Moscow)

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