Migration and Refugee Issues in EU and Global Perspectives

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Friday, June 15th, 2018 – Saturday, June 16th, 2018

Friday, June 15, 20189:00AM - 5:00PMThe Vivian and David Campbell Conference Facility, Munk School of Global Affairs
1 Devonshire Place
Saturday, June 16, 20189:00AM - 5:00PMThe Vivian and David Campbell Conference Facility, Munk School of Global Affairs
1 Devonshire Place
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FRIDAY, 15 JUNE 2018

9:00 – 9:10
Randall Hansen – University of Toronto

9:10 – 10:30
Partnership Meeting

10:30 – 12:00
Panel 1: Research Plans, Innovation, Policy Refinement
Chair: Geoffrey Cameron – University of Toronto

Karen Block and Sara Wills – University of Melbourne
The Refugees and Forced Migration Research Program at the Melbourne Social Equity Institute (MSEI)

Lesleyanne Hawthorne – University of Melbourne
High Skilled Migration Policy – Fine-Tuning the Permanent, Temporary and Study-Migration Pathways in Australia

Thomas Soehl – McGill University
Twitter Data and Research on Global Human Mobility: Trials, Errors, Challenges, Promises

12:00 – 13:00

13:00 – 14:30
Panel 2: Migrants and Refugees: Global Views
Chair: Lama Mourad – University of Toronto

Randall Hansen – University of Toronto
The Global Refugee Crisis: Causes, Consequences, Solutions

Matthew Gibney – University of Oxford
The Duties of Refugees

Brian Galligan – University of Melbourne
Australian Migration and Refugee Policy: Strictly On Our Terms

Franck Düvell – University of Oxford
Crisis? What Crisis? The EU, Refugee Influxes, and the Impact on an Unstable System

14:30 – 15:00

15:00 – 16:30
Panel 3: Political Causes and Consequences
Chair: Craig Damian Smith – University of Toronto

Jeff Crisp – University of Oxford
Mobilizing Political Will on Behalf of Refugees: A Framework for Analysis and Action

Martin Ruhs – European University Institute
National Institutions vs. Supra-National Policies? Institutional Contexts of Political Conflicts around Migration and Mobility Policies in the EU

Robert Ford – University of Manchester
The Vortex Issue: How Immigration Has Disrupted British Politics since 1997

16:30 – 17:30

9:30 – 10:30

10:30 – 12:00
Panel 4: Border-control Policies and Strategies
Chair: Jennifer Elrick – McGill University

Julia Morris – The New School
From Phosphate to Refugees: The Consequential Damages of the Republic of Nauru’s Offshore Refugee System

Federica Infantino – FNRS/Université Libre de Bruxelles
Outsourcing Border Control: Politics and Practice of Contracted Visa Policy in Morocco

John P. Haisken-DeNew – University of Melbourne
Traumatic Experiences and Humanitarian Migration in Australia

12:00 – 12:45

12:45 – 14:15
Panel 5: Legal Frameworks and Status Determination
Chair: Simon Evans – University of Melbourne

Christoph Sperfeldt – Melbourne Law School
Statelessness and Legal Identity in the Sustainable Development Goals: Promises of Inclusion and Dangers of Exclusion

Georgia Cole – University of Oxford
The Experiences of Forced Migrants in the Gulf: An Agenda for Research

Jay Song – University of Melbourne
From Trafficked Victims to Bogus Refugees: Irregular Migration in East Asia

14:15 – 14:45

14:45 – 16:15
Panel 6: Human Capital, Development, and Inclusion
Chair: Randall Hansen – University of Toronto

Elyakim Kislev – Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Global Spaces: The Hidden Opportunity in Integrating Minorities and Refugees into STEM

Jia Gao – University of Melbourne
Chinese Immigrant Integration in Australia: Entrepreneurship, Political Participation, and Uneasy Australia-China Relations

Kate Pincock – University of Oxford
The “Global Governed?” Refugee-Led Social Protection and Assistance in Uganda and Kenya

16:15 – 17:15

Main Sponsor

Centre for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies


Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

German Academic Exchange Service

Joint Initiative in German and European Studies

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