Monday, September 18th, 2017 Hungarian Forced Laborers in the Soviet Union, 1945-1955

Monday, September 18, 201712:00PM - 2:00PMSeminar Room 208N, 1 Devonshire Place


Hungarian Studies Program


By the end of World War II about 600,000 Hungarian citizens were captured by the Soviet army. One third of the prisoners were civilian internees who were deported from Hungary to the Soviet Union in 1945. The Soviets did not make a distinction between civilians and soldiers and the war was seen as useful for the purpose of supplying a labor force, as well as expanding the communist system in the occupied territories. The presentation will give a detailed picture on the process of the deportation of the civilians and on their fate in Soviet forced labor camps. The presentation also tries to uncover the motives and plans of the Soviet military leadership directing the deportation of hundreds of thousands of civilians from East-Central Europe during the last months of the war.

Tamás Stark received his PhD from the Eötvös Lóránd University of Budapest in 1993. From 1983 he was a researcher at the Institute of History, Research Centre for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and in 2000 he was appointed a senior research fellow. His specialization is forced population movement in East-Central Europe in the period 1938-56, with special regard to the history of the Holocaust, fate of prisoners of war and civilian internees, and the post war migrations. He was involved in numerous international research projects. In 1995/96 he was Pearl Resnick Post-Doctoral fellow at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. In 2014 he was Fulbright professor at Nazareth College, Rochester, NY. USA. His main publications include Hungary’s Human Losses in World War II (Uppsala, 1995) Hungarian Jews during the Holocaust and after the Second World War, 1939-1949: A Statistical Review (Boulder, CO 2000) Magyarok szovjet fogságban /Hungarians in Soviet Captivity/ (Budapest, 2006) A magyar polgári lakosság elhurcolása a Szovjetunióba a korabeli dokumentumok tükrében. /Deportation of Hungarian civilians to the Soviet Union. Documentary Collection./ (Budapest, 2017).


Hungarian Studies Program, University of Toronto

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