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Mare Nostrum vs. Triton

July 27, 2017

by Emily Koller, CERES MA candidate In 2013, the Italian Coast Guard commenced a search and rescue project, known as Operation Mare Nostrum, with the objective of providing humanitarian aid to migrants arriving on Italy‘s shores by sea. After a...

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European Union Law & Queer Asylum Cases

July 27, 2017

by Jeffery Chen, CERES MA candidate In its 2008 “Guidance Note on Refugee Claims Relating to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity,” the UNHCR noted that, though a “growing number” of asylum claims is made by persecuted LGBT individuals, there is...

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EU’s Proactive Labour Migration Policy Regarding High-Skilled Migrants: Implementation, Impacts, and National Responses

July 27, 2017

by Delila Bikic, CERES MA candidate In October 2007, the European Commission adopted a legislative initiative regarding the admission of highly-skilled migrants to the EU, known as the Blue Card Directive and later, its complementary policy twin, the Single Permit...

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Historical amnesia and Europe’s migration relations

July 20, 2017

Cutting deals with transit states to stop migrants has always been central to EU policy. Driven by domestic politics and the need to be seen to be doing something, Europe has locked itself in a cycle of dodgy deals. Read the...

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European External Action Service: The EU and the Kosovo Crisis

February 2, 2017

by Farah Rasmi In the aim of studying the EU’s foreign policy through the lens of the EEAS, we will briefly present the history of its foreign affairs leading up to the establishment of the latter. We will then review...

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Welcome to the CERES Erasmus+ Page

January 9, 2017

The European Union faces constantly evolving migratory challenges that require a notable effort on the part of its institutions to manage a significant flow of irregular migrants and asylum seekers. Meanwhile, its member states strive to integrate its newcomers into their...

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