In Spring 2017, CERES will offer a new course on the European Union and migration. This new course is available to fourth year European Studies students, and will appeal to those interested in the recent migration developments in Europe, in current migration and asylum policies, and in European institutions. The course is already available for enrollment. You can find below the course ID and title, plus the course description.


EUR498H1 (S)



Spring 2017


Friday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon

Room: SK702

Instructor: TBD

Course description:

Europe is facing an important migratory challenge. On the one hand, it should manage a significant flow of irregular migrants and asylum seekers. On the other hand, it strives to integrate a sizable part of its newcomers. These challenges have had a major impact on both the domestic and external policies of the European states, on the relations among them, and their relations with the European Union. The EU is a key player in the so-called migration crisis in Europe, but its role in the migration processes in Europe had already been significant in the past decades. This course on The EU and the Politics of Migration will address the role of the European institutions in the management of the migration phenomenon in Europe: the regular and irregular migration flows, the asylum seekers crisis, the dilemmas of social integration, the main European policy tools and decisions, the impact of migration on the freedom of movement and on the EU’s foreign policy, and the repercussions of these issues for the relations among the EU’s member states and for domestic politics.