Based out of the Asian Institute at the University of Toronto, Re:locations: Journal of the Asia-Pacific World is a new peer-reviewed, student-run journal and academic forum that seeks to foster dialogue among student researchers working across disciplines, institutions, and regions in Asia and the Pacific. Our aim is to advance and empower student voices while providing novel insights that serve to broaden contemporary viewpoints on the Asia-Pacific.

On a rolling basis throughout the year, the Re:locations academic forum invites quality submissions from both graduate and undergraduate students from any institution who feel that they have meaningful pieces to contribute to this exchange. We encourage both prospectively long-term and temporary contributors to submit any number of their works.

Contributions Considered:

  • Field Notes related to Asia and the Pacific that detail the experiences of students living and working abroad.
  • Analysis & Commentary that are insightful, critical reflections on current events or scholarly literature related to Asia and the Pacific. Interviews are also welcome, pending approval by the Re:locations editorial board.
  • Photo Essays related to Asia and the Pacific that explore social issues or specific people, places, or events and display clarity, documentary integrity, and aesthetic style.

For additional information, please consult the Re:locations Academic Forum Submission Guidelines on our Facebook pageĀ  or contact the Editor at