The Centre for the Study of Korea was established in autumn 2006 with the goal of promoting critical approaches to the research of Korea. As the central hub for Korean studies at the University of Toronto, the Centre aims to foster the exchange of interdisciplinary knowledge about Korea both within the University and the general public. With faculty in Anthropology, East Asian Studies, Linguistics, Geography, Political Science, Sociology, Women’s Studies, and the Faculty of Music, the Centre promotes a diverse range of perspectives and approaches.

While the Centre does not The Centre does not itself offer any teaching programs,  The Centre has a evolving line-up of speakers from North America, Asia and Europe featured in lectures and events throughout the academic year. Their activities also include public symposia, thematic workshops, student-initiated conferences, community events, film screenings, and a Korean language speech and quiz contest. Participation in public events is open to members of the university community as well as communities throughout the Greater Toronto Area.