Bharat Punjabi

Lecturer, Asian Institute
Research Fellow, Global Cities Institute


Dr. Bharat Punjabi is a Research Fellow at the Global Cities Institute at the University of Toronto. He has taught courses in economic geography, political ecology, water management, Asian urbanization, and the political economy of development at institutions such as the University of Western Ontario, the University of Toronto and the University of Guelph. His research has been funded by the International Development Research Centre, the Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute and other organizations. Dr. Punjabi’s research interests include and intersect Indian urbanization and water policy, the role of institutions in economic development and metropolitan governance in India. Dr. Punjabi is presently working towards a monograph on the theme of water policy and governance in large Indian mega regions. This work is based on his dissertation and current field research in large mega regions in India. Dr. Punjabi is also a visiting fellow at the Indian Council for Research in International Economic Relations (ICRIER) in New Delhi.

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