Elisa Freschi

Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy
Affiliated Faculty, Centre for South Asian Studies


Elisa Freschi works on South Asian philosophy, more specifically on topics of epistemology of testimony, philosophy of religion, philosophy of language, deontic logic, and on the reuse of texts in South Asian intellectual traditions. She is a convinced upholder of reading Sanskrit philosophical texts within their history and understanding them through a philosophical approach.  She has worked as an “Assistentin” at the University of Vienna and as research leader of projects on Viśiṣṭādvaita Vedānta and on deontic logic and Mīmāṃsā at the Austrian Academy of Sciences. You can download and read her publications from her personal website and read her thoughts on her blog.


BA (Philosophy), Sapienza University of Rome
BA + MA (South Asian Studies), Sapienza University of Rome
PhD (South Asian Philosophy), Sapienza University of Rome


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