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Sessional lecturers wanted for South Asian Studies

May 5, 2009

The Centre for South Asian Studies is hiring sessional lecturers for a number of positions for the newly migrated undergraduate program in South Asian Studies to the Munk Centre.

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Canadian Premiere of “Flowers in the Sky” with filmmaker in attendance

April 17, 2009

The Centre for South Asian Studies has invited award-winning Prasanna Vithanage, one of Sri Lanka’s most notable filmmakers, to screen his latest film currently touring the festival circuit and will be released into Sri Lankan cinemas in July 2009.

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Senator Vivienne Poy to open Asian Heritage Month at the Asian Institute

April 13, 2009

Senator Poy will open the conference, “Asian Foodprints: China & Hong Kong”, bringing together academics, researchers, students, industry experts, and food enthusiasts interested in Asian society and culture, and global cuisines and wine.

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South Asian Studies moves to the Munk Centre

April 13, 2009

Starting September, there will be a shift in priorities for the undergraduate program in South Asian Studies. “This is a good time to rethink what we want the program to do,” said Chelva Kanaganayakam, director of the Centre for South Asia Studies.

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Tamil support out in the open

April 7, 2009

“The politics of blame never resolved anything.” University of Toronto English professor and director of the Centre for South Asian Studies, Chelva Kanaganayakam, is among a group of non-political voices searching for a genuine solution.

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“Water Cube: Le Making of” becomes an in-demand exhibition

April 2, 2009

The photographs in Water Cube: Le Making of are currently on exhibit at the Workers Arts and Heritage Centre in Hamilton, Ontario [].

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Star chef David Lee invited to speak at the University of Toronto

March 25, 2009

The Asian Heritage Month opening event entitled, “Asian Foodprints: China & Hong Kong”, has attracted the attention of chef David Lee of Splendido and Nota Bene. The Asian Institute has invited him to participate in a panel on food as aesthetic project.

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Asian Institute’s Asia Pacific Reader proudly presents “Passages”‏

March 13, 2009

The inaugural issue of “Passages” is an online journal of articles and photo essays by winners of the Dr. David Chu Scholarship in Asia Pacific Studies, who wrote about their travel to Asia for research, language study, or to take part in a field school.

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Film collection in Canada Hong Kong Library

March 11, 2009

The Richard Charles Lee Canada Hong Kong Library has about 500 titles in its media collection. You can now borrow and view the DVD and VCD titles at the media centre of the Library.

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Exhibition by U of T alumni and photo-journalist Ryan Pyle

March 5, 2009

Ryan Pyle will speak and offer a photography exhibition on “Change in China”, essentially a collection of images from his photo journalism work in China over the last 5 years. (Asian Institute and York Centre for Asian Research)

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