
Asian Institute Affiliate Ryan Pyle Explores China’s Sacred Mountains

November 28, 2013

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Mary Wong GC

Alumnus Mary Wong Interviews Canada’s High Commissioner to the United Kingdom

November 19, 2013

Former Asian Institute work/study student Mary Wong is now studying Law at Newcastle University in the UK. She recently had the opportunity to interview His Excellency Mr Gordon Campbell, Canada’s High Commissioner to the United Kingdom.

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Damayan: A Fundraiser Breakfast for the Philippines

Fundraiser Breakfast Helps Bring Relief to the Philippines

November 18, 2013

On November 27, the Asian Institute and the Dr. David Chu Program in Asia-Pacific Studies held a breakfast fundraiser to aid victims of Typhoon Haiyan. Thanks to your support, we are pleased to announce that we raised close to $4,000, which was matched by the Federal Government to bring the total to almost $8,000.

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Imaging the Asia-Pacific Photo Contest

Imaging the Asia-Pacific Photo Contest

November 15, 2013

The Dr. David Chu Program in Asia-Pacific Studies is accepting submissions from U of T students for its second annual Imaging the Asia-Pacific Photo Contest.

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Wong and Remi Kanji, Surge

SIRG Re-Launches as Surge, Adds New Asian Institute Alumni to Team

November 7, 2013

A recent Faculty of Arts and Science article profiles the accomplishments of Surge, a group of Asian Institute/U of T alumni assembled by Joseph Wong to analyze social innovation in Taiwan and beyond.

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Abandoned Futures

Tong Lam’s Abandoned Futures Photo Essay Book Launch

October 25, 2013

Professor Tong Lam’s new book will be launched at Indigo Bay and Bloor on Monday, October 28. It’s a visual epic dedicated to the edge of our power, where human industry fails and decay takes over.

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Daisy Ho

Daisy Ho Awards for Special Projects on Contemporary China

October 18, 2013

The Daisy Ho Contemporary China Special Undergraduate Projects Fund will provide financial support to third-year undergraduate students to pursue a special research project on contemporary China.

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Richard Fung ReOrientations

ReOrientations: A Retrospective on the Works of Richard Fung

October 9, 2013

The Dr. David Chu Program in Asia Pacific Studies explores the provocative work of renowned Canadian video artist Richard Fung during two days of screenings and discussions.

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Ai Weiwei, Map of China, 2008

Ai Weiwei: Art, Activism, and the Politics of Criticism

September 24, 2013

The Art Gallery of Ontario’s current exhibition “According to What?” features works by Chinese artist and activist Ai Weiwei. James Poborsa discusses the significance of the artist’s work, which will also be explored in a panel co-presented by the Asian Institute at the AGO on Sept. 25.

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TIFF Century of Chinese Cinema

Mapping a Multipolar Cinema

September 19, 2013

AI student Betty Xie sat down with TIFF Artistic Director Noah Cowan to discuss TIFF’s summer programme, A Century of Chinese Cinema.

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